Monthly Archives: February 2014

Administration Lawlessness? Executive Orders Aren’t the Half of It. | | 02.19.14

Talk about a smokescreen. When President Obama pledged to use executive orders to do what he couldn’t get Congress to do, no one thought such an extreme, in-your-face challenge could be a diversion.  But it now looks as though that is what it might have been. For some of the most extreme unilateral administration actions […]
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A Dangerous Place Already, This Week the World Became More Dangerous | | 02.27.14

When based on principle, partisanship can be a good thing. Due to a series of coincidences, I have spent much of the past five days listening to lectures from foreign policy and national security intellectuals and former policy makers of the Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 administrations.  All were partisans, of course.  But all […]
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Border Security – and Insecurity | | 02.14.14

Sometimes Washington is beyond clueless.  Immigration reform is a case in point. Central to the immigration reform is border security, stopping people from illegally slipping across the Mexican border into the United States.  Millions have done so in recent years, though far fewer since the recession began.  Many were seeking jobs. Some may have been […]
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